Author: PFACinema
2012 Film Fest Petaluma – Jump Start
One Day / 3 shows! THIS is the festival bay area folks will be talking about all year long. It has it ALL!
Choose from a high brow oscar winner like The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore, or keep an open eye for something more homegrown like The Squash.
Do you enjoy a little laughter in the afternoon? dik may be just what you need! Or animated storytelling before bedtime? Then The Maker may be your lullaby.
Or are you the romantic type with a certain provocative flair for a midnight screening of something should I say, je ne sais quoi? Angel Dust will have you riveted to your seat!
Clear Blue may be you’re clear winner, (FFP chooses no winners on the philosophy that everyone is a winner. even that horrible movie not many people enjoyed) but you will not see what’s coming when you turn down Nowhere Road!
The bottom line is that our little festival is going to deliver a plethora of diverse movie experiences you can walk out of the theater as long as you have your ticket!
Click the image bellow for show times!
Mini Doc
I really like the idea of the short documentary.
In this fast paced world, we have barely the time to ask people their name.
Viewing 5 or 10 minutes of a person’s life can open up our experience to
something more cultural. Something worth exploring.
Somehow, I find myself viewing another Phillip Bloom video. It’s like 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon, but for me it starts by Googling field equipment like a tripod.
The latest sticks (tripod) search lead me to the NAB Convention in Las Vegas, which then revealed the newest German made Sachtler tripod which is being used by none other than Mr. Bloom who just shot an endearing mini doc in Adelaide Australia…
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Music sampling has come a long way since Vanilla Ice laid down some phat beats from Queen/Bowie’s Under Pressure classic, thus making him an overnight sensation.
Thankfully our musical pallets have sampled enough flavors to leave Vanilla in the 80’s and evolve with more sophisticated pairings from mashup artists.
For better or worse, I believe film may be going down this crisscrossing path
Here is an example of the “for better”…
Portal from Games to Film
It’s often said that those who can’t do, teach and those who can’t teach play video games.
Well here’s an example of how one unique game mechanic can spin into a potential major motion picture in Hollywood.
Game mechanic refers to a feature of video game play that allows the gamer to effect the virtual world they’re playing in.
An example might be, whenever you press the red button on your game controller, your dragon breathes fire.
This game is named Portal and the studio who made it is named Valve. Take a look at their pre-order trailer…
OK, now that you understand the potential of “portals”, let’s look at the spin Valve Studios and director, Dan Trachtenberg took for their intellectual property.
Can you say Linda Hamilton?
What strikes me is that this game mechanic is a simple one and the live action short mainly takes place with one actor in a single room.
So if you’re the type who “does”, teaches or plays video games, here is another quote…
KISS – Keep It Simple Stupid
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Who we are
Petaluma Film Alliance is a partnership between Santa Rosa Junior College, community businesses, and private individuals dedicated to building community through the art of film.
[/int_one_half] [int_one_half_last]What we do
PFA produces two major programs:
- Petaluma Cinema Series: Wednesday night screenings of classic, foreign, & independent films with guests, lectures, and post-screening discussions.
- Film Fest Petaluma: an annual downtown film festival featuring the best new short films from around the world with filmmakers in conversation.
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